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Friday, April 15, 2016

Tech Art 4/15

36,000 Verizon Workers Go on Strike

This is the largest strike in the United States since Verizon workers last walked off the job in 2011, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That strike involved 45,000 workers. Most of the striking workers service the company's landline phone business and FiOS broadband network which is not the much larger Verizon Wireless network. They have gone without a contract since August, and their union, the Communication Workers of America, says it is fighting to get Verizon to come to the table with a better offer. The union's list of complaints is a long one: Verizon has outsourced 5,000 jobs to workers in Mexico, the Philippines and the Dominican Republic. Verizon is hiring more low-wage, non-union contractors, the union says. This is not good news if you are apart of Verizon.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Tech Art 3/24

You might have robots staffed at your next hotel that you stay at. In Japan at Henn-na Hotel in Sasebo there are robot staff workers! This trend is becoming more relevant because there is another robot worker in Belgium that has been working there since 2015. He is a humanoid names Mario. Watch here

Friday, March 18, 2016

Tech Art 3/18

Googles "Brain" project has just surpassed a magnificent feat! The "Brains" deep mind and deep thinking has just defeated a world master in an ancient Chinese board game GO as seen below.
 This game is very complex and hard to play but Lee Se-dol has mastered the game and is the world champion. Lee had played in a best of 5 game with the google Brain and got completely obliterated in all 5 games that the two had played.
Want to read more CLICK HERE

Friday, February 26, 2016

Tech Art 2/24

Google has been working on a secret project over the years that has been very lowkey until now! Google has been working on what they call Brain. Brain is a man made product that is being made to think for itself. They call it deep thinking which can be used to solve the worlds biggest problems. Making technology think for itself is a very hard process and includes very high levels of mathematics to do so. This project is still very secret but if you would like to read more click here 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tech Art 2/18

Plugging in this date will permanently crash your iPhone! Do not attempt this since your iPhone will turn into a brick and never work again. Plugging in the date January 1st 1970 and resetting your iPhone will not give you access into the device ever again. The reason behind this bug in the phone is that the phone cannot function with January 1st 1970. This is because the unix time for that date is 00:00:00 which the iPhones today cannot handle. Here is a video showing you that this actually works. CLICK HERE

Friday, February 5, 2016

Tech Article 2/5

Poor quality USB Type-C cables can fry your gadgets

The quality of your USB charging cables are very important now a days. The main concern with gadgets such as phones and ipads are with its battery life. The battery life with your gadget could not be with your your actual battery. The charger that you use could drain your battery! In order to keep the battery life in your gadget one should follow some simple steps.
  • Where possible use the genuine cable/adapter/charger.
  • Read the reviews. Leung is taking a very scientific approach to the testing of USB-C cables, but it's worthwhile checking out the reviews for any cables (or adapters or chargers) you're thinking of buying.
  • Steer away from cheap, no-name junk. Looking through Leung's reviews I notice that all the poor quality cables and adapters come from companies that I've never heard of
These helpful tips were found here! At the website that I found the article.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I'm back in another computer course this senior year. This year I am in Advanced Web Design and I am excited show everyone what I am doing this year. 


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wiki Recap

I would do my wiki on Pitching. My branched off pages would be about holding the ball, standing in the stretch, standing in the windup, different pitches, and pick off moves. All information about each topic should be on each page.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Tech Art

Apple tv could be coming out soon.
There are three key reasons: Investors are concerned that the iPhone market has peaked in the western world, supply issues have plagued production of iPhones and iPads, and Apple's profit margins are falling at an alarming rate. Apple hasn't released anything that big since the ipad mini. Apple is thinking about coming out with a tv

Friday, April 12, 2013

Tech Art

Hugo Teso, a security analyst and licensed pilot, says he's developed software that could steal control of an airplane.
This is Hugo Teso giving a speach.
An app for hijacking an airplane? Some people ask if this is even possible,  Hugo Teso says yes. Hugo Teso is a security analyst and a licsenced pilot and he has developed an app for your iphone that could take over the controls of the plane. This app would change the communication from the tower and change the cordinates to the flight. The software that the app has will change the criptic data being recieved by the plane and can change where the he wants the plane to land. What that means is that the app can change where the plane is going to go or land.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Spring Break

Over the spring break all I did was baseball. Whether it was practice or a game, I had baseball everyday during spring break. Our record is 1 win and 2 loses. We should be 3 and 0 but, we totally threw away the first two games. We made to many errors and just couldn't score to come back. Then I went to New York yesterday and ate food. It was a great weekend.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tech Art

The recent barrage of high-profile cyberattacks has put many companies on edge, but it has also been a boon for developers of new security tools. The "next-generation firewalls" are particularly hot. Traditional firewalls filter out harmful data and pass along legitimate ones. The new breed looks at software applications coming into a corporate network and not only passes out dangerous ones but grants workers a lot of more permissions to use certain apps.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Tech Art

This video is talking about all of the new advances that are going to be included in new phones. This video was shot at Mobile World Congress where 65,000 people gathered to talk about all of the new advances that will be featured in the near future. This video was taken from click here to visit